Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So....one of my friends introduced me to a new obsession: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's amazing.

I like Dr. Horrible. Partially because Neil Patrick Harris does an amazing job with the character, partially because I see so much of myself in him. Yeah.

Dr. Horrible is an aspiring supervillian. Why is he a supervillain? Not because he's a bad guy, but because he wants to conquer the world. Why does he want to conquer the world? Because he wants to fix it. It's broken "to the point where I don't know if I'll upset the status quo if I throw poison in the water main."

Yeah. I often want to take over the world for the same reason. Not so that I can have my way and have riches and stuff, but so that I can fix things. 'Cause things are broken. Isn't it obvious? Like when a school district can't fire an admitted sex offender because the teacher's union rules won't allow it. That's messed up. Or that people who call themselves Christian can say on national television that Christ said something that he totally did not, and in fact said the opposite. (I saw that on the Colbert Report a few weeks ago...it was funny. Colbert ripped her apart.)

And other stuff too. Lots of other stuff. There are a lot of things that make me want to conquer the world. I can't think of many, but they always show up. Useless people generally do it to me. I'm pretty sure that, given the right motivation, useless people can become useful. I don't mean threat of death, I mean more of dangling a really big fat appetizing carrot in from of their noses. Sure, the stick would be waiting in the wings, but if the person's attention is focused on the carrot, they won't notice the stick. Until it hits them.

Yeah. Why do I need to take over the world in order to fix it? Well, because people don't like change. Because fixing things involves trampling on a lot of people's toes. Mostly the powerful and wealthy people's toes. And stupid people's toes. And useless people. They don't like being told that they are useless. They are very happy with their uselessness, as it usually comes with having very little to actually do in life. It's a happily carefree lifestyle, especially if the system protects their uselessness.

Yeah. "That's the plan. Rule the world." "Anarchy-that I run!"

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