Sunday, February 21, 2010


That's it, I'm rambling. I can't sleep, so I'll ramble.

Random thoughts:

I've decided that being a figure skater would be cool. Maybe it's just me missing the thrill of performing stuff, but...seriously. Minus the slightly (or sometimes extremely) gay costumes, it's like dancing, but on ice. With cool jumps. And cool music. And knives on your feet that could cut someone's head off. Awesome.

Not that I have anywhere near the dexterity and coordination required to even move on ice.

I've decided that the inhabitants of the Clyde and Crabtree buildings scare me even more than the HFAC'ers. Think about it: what happens when you get a crazy, sociopathic HFACer? Not much. Either they sit in the dark and paint out their feelings, or they put on some dramatic, depressing play, or they write a song about their feelings. Are they really a threat? No.
Think about the Clyders, however. A thousand (give or take) engineers. What happens when you get a sociopathic engineer? Three words: Killer Robot Army.

Also, a lot of the Clyders are just plain funny-looking.

Speaking of Clyders, I have to exclude the girls from the funny-looking part. It's weird, but among the very few women in my classes, there is a disproportionate amount of really attractive ones. Then again, maybe it's just the brain's natural reaction to that much engineering guy energy packed into one classroom-anybody would look good by comparison.

I finished Catch-22. I love the ending, especially the chapter titled "The Eternal City" which, for the benefit of you ignorant fools, is Rome's nickname. It's a good chapter. It's a good book. Maybe I'll read the sequel again...

That's it. Ramble = over.


  1. "People who stalk me???" I resent that! You're the one who posted the link to your blog that just happened to be in my feed on facebook & I just happened to click on the link & read your entry. I hardly consider that stalking unless you want to call it self-inflicted stalking.... :)

  2. Could you handle being a male ice skater? I dunno. It's pretty intense.
