Monday, August 2, 2010

Zombie Hunting

I've been spending a lot of time at concerts recently, which I think is a very good use of time. I like concerts. They're very therapeutic. Maybe I should start a therapy/stress-relief program based entirely around concert attendance...

I've decided that I would really love to be in a band. I think it would be cool. My favorite band name that I've come up with so far is The Zombie Hunters. Since Vampires have had all awesomeness forcibly sucked out of them by she-who-will-not-be-named, I figure Zombies are the next scariest thing. Zombies are cool.

And besides, I could have all sorts of fun writing satirical songs about zombies. Zombies, of course, representing dumb know who I'm talking about already. The kind of person who is constantly in search of someone else's brains to steal, since they have lost theirs. I feel like there are a lot of them out there.

And, the fame and money and stuff would be cool.

But most of all, I could get away with wearing whatever I want, no matter how ridiculous, and still be thought of as cool. I mean...look at any rock star you know. Bono has his crazy sunglasses. Brandon Flowers has his crazy outfits. Lady Gaga....'nuff said. She's just plain weird.

Being a rock star is almost as much of a fashion get-out-of-jail-free card as being African. Seriously...Africans can get away with anything and look good. I saw some amazing, bizarre things on the immigrants I worked with in Italy, but they always managed to look good. Even whilst wearing said bizarre clothes/color combinations while riding a tiny little Vespa, built for a small, thirteen-year-old Italian kid, up a steep hill. Even then, they can look cool. Curse my white skin that doesn't go with much of anything!

Wow. From concerts to therapy to black people wearing crazy colors. I must be more stressed than I thought.